Adult Bible Study
Wednesday Nights 7-8 p.m.

Studying Gods word is so important for our daily growth in the Lord. Join us each Wednesday evening 7-8 pm as we come together to study, learn and discuss the word of God. This is the perfect place for people at all stages of relationship with God to come and learn. If you are completely New to faith, seeking out who Christ is or have been a follower of Christ for many years, everyone is welcome here. We learn from each other, and everyone is welcome and included in discussion. No question is too silly to ask. This is a comfortable casual place for all to learn!  

Men's Ministry
Twice Monthly 9 am

David Berger runs Cedarview Mens Ministry. They meet at 9am on the second and fourth Saturday of each month for breakfast and fellowship. Please sign up at the Welcome Desk or speak with David to let him know you're coming. We look forward to seeing you there!!

Sunday Nights 6:30-7:30pm

Every Sunday evening, we join for a time of prayer. 6:30 pm-7:30pm. We believe that Prayer is the foundation to seeing God move in our church. Everyone is welcome to join us as we bring our requests to the Lord and trust that he will meet all our needs.  “For where two or three gather in my name there I am with them” Matthew 18:20 (NIV)